Is smoking salvia legal - How to get high on salvia

Buy salvia online today
Most of us have heard the name Salvia divinorum but for those who haven't pull up a chair. In this article we dig into the effects of Salvia divinorum, How you can buy Salvia divinorum, Some brief history of the plant Salvia and is Salvia legal to buy and smoke or even eat.

Brief history of Salvia divinorum
Salvia divinorum is Originally native to Mexico but unproven is often used by the Mazatec shamans who believe that Salvia has many medical curing benefits and visionary property's. In the Mazatec culture salvia can be used for many reasons that most of us are unaware of such as the curing of headaches to diarrhea Even to produce wildly hallucinogenic visions. Generally the Mazatec shamans ingest salvia to induce deep meditative and visionary states adding to their medical cabinet along with morning glory seeds and magic mushrooms gives a trip to Mexico a whole new meaning and was later Brought into the spot light in 1939 by Jean Basset Johnson detailing His personal experiences with the Mazatecs and salvia divinorum.
  • Salvia divinorum was and still is used by the Mazatec shamans
  • Although thought to originate in Mexico no proof can be established
  • Salvia divinorum is known to cause hallucinogenic visions 
  • According to the Mazatecs Salvia can be used to cure a wide range of ailments
  • A member herb of the mint family
  • Stated to provide pain relief
Salvia divinorums use in today's society - is salvia slowly becoming illegal
Stated to becoming a serious trend, Salvia has had prohibition slapped in it's face by a few country's and American states. Even though salvia is Not widely recognized for any known harmful effects simply being a hallucinogen was enough to scare some in power into place. Salvia still remains legal in most parts of the world as distributors of salvia market the drug as incense and herbal variations. Many more study's need to be done in order to have a clear stand point on the long term effects of smoking or ingesting salvia or one can take a trip to Mexico and ask the 90 year old shamans how they aged so gracefully. Whether you support the use's of this plant or are completely against it this issue will surely not disappear as the use of salvia increases. One issue that has been addressed by the media time and time again is a teen by the name of Brett Chidester committing suicide apparently after the use of salvia but this is in no way provable and is one of the only case's to mention a death relating to or caused from salvia divinorum. Many have committed suicide on virtually every drug on the market including alcohol so whether this links to the acutal effect of salvia cannot be proven at this time, This may be caused by the emotional state of the person in general. Salvia by many polls clearly shows it is not a depressent and is uplifting according to people who have taken salvia.

Salvia's effects if ingested or smoked
  • Causes hallucinogenic images or visions
  • An increased feeling of heat in the body
  • Loss of common sense
  • Inability to have proper body functions or movement 
  • Uncontrollable laughter 
  • Lasting effects range between 5-15 minutes if smokes 20-30 minutes if eaten
  • One thinking they are becoming or joining with objects
  • Paranoia

A video pulled from youtube

Where can you buy salvia divinorum
In places and locations where salvia is still legal one can hope to find salvia at convenience stores or even some headshops. Although salvia can be found local actually finding the store that Carry's salvia can be difficult. I my self once traveled to 10 stores and asked this dreadful statement "Do you carry salvia" only to get this answer " man what is wrong with you get out of my store salvia is illegal" Clearly he was misinformed because salvia is not illegal in my country of residence. Dealing with strange faces or ridicule is what one must face trying to acquire salvia ( for incense purposes of course) Or you can buy salvia online safely and securely from the comfort of your own home where it is legal to do so.

Salvia strength and potency levels - Buy Salvia online for best selection
Salvia is sold in many potency levels and has extract levels on packaging.
  • Typical ranges are 10x - 100x found at most retailers
  • Most do not know salvia can pass the 100x mark by a huge margin but is not recommended
  • First time users should not purchase a high x amount
How to take salvia
Most common ways that have been reported are smoking salvia in your bong or pipe, or eating or drinking the salvia leaves. It has been reported that smoking salvia is smooth and easy to take unlike marijuana which can often be harsh at times. Expect the trip to last about 5 - 15 minutes. By far unlike other hallucinogenic plants if you experience a bad trip you only have to wait 5 minutes before you start to come down off the salvia.

Salvia divinorum is not for human consumption 
READ MORE - Is smoking salvia legal - How to get high on salvia

Purchase salvia divinorum online

Find out how to get salvia and purchase salvia online - For best deals on salvia purchase salvia online in bulk. You can get salvia almost anywhere nowadays and the best part is salvia is legal in many places.

READ MORE - Purchase salvia divinorum online

Salvia bongs

More people smoke salvia in bongs then in pipes, This might be to the fact that people think smoking salvia will be harsh but to the contrary smoking salvia feels smooth and when smoked in bongs with water filtration its even smoother as reported by some.Salvia bongs can be large or small and be cheap or expensive, It depends on what level of quality you want to have. If you are looking for a great place to buy salvia bongs online
READ MORE - Salvia bongs

Potent salvia - fresh salvia scams

So searching the net for salvia and where to buy salvia, you may come across these web sites: potent salvia, crazy salvia, and fresh salvia. Do not deal with them, there has been many reports these sites are run by the same people and will not ship your order. They have a phone number displayed that is out of order and if you do place an order and it doesn't come .. sending them emails will do no good. You get responses that salvia is back ordered and you should receive the order in the coming weeks. If you are looking for a salvia or a salvia alternative we suggest you check out the links below.

Legal Bud
READ MORE - Potent salvia - fresh salvia scams

How long does the effect from salvia last

After smoking salvia the effect is short lived and only will last about 10 minutes, sometimes people stay high on salvia for up to 30 minutes. During this time people who smoke salvia report seeing things that are not there, feeling lighter then air almost like an out of body experience and uncontrollable laughter. The high you get from salvia is short lived. During the that time or while high on salvia one is almost not in control of their body anymore.

READ MORE - How long does the effect from salvia last

Extracts of salvia - how high do they go

If you know about salvia then you must known the salvia extracts are the most popular for of salvia. The extract burns nice and has a wonderful aroma that fills the air. You will normally see salvia in the from of extracts like this: salvia divinorum 10x, salvia divinorum extract 50x and so on but how high do the extracts go? well we have found confirmed reports of them hitting the 400x and over and boy that's a whopper. Most common values are around 10x to 100x and it will be vary difficult to find anything over the 100x locally, you might have to plan a trip to where it's manufactured. Salvia is a great incense!
READ MORE - Extracts of salvia - how high do they go

Salvia affiliate programs that scam

So we decided to write our opinion on various salvia affiliate programs that we believe to scam or just do not care about their affiliates. Two of our biggest problems are either the salvia affiliate just wouldn't return our emails even after 3 or 4 attempts or they failed to payout. We have to be impartial and say we cannot say anything bad about purchasing salvia from these websites since we did not attempt to do so, We are just stating our experience with their affiliate programs and the company behind may have great customer service on purchasing and just lack in affiliate management.

Sellsalvia affiliate program - Do not deal with them, They do not return emails by their affiliates. Upon entering their program you will find it nearly impossible to find a contact link and when you do it doesn't seem to work. also note: the web sites fresh salvia, crazy salvia, Potent salvia and sell salvia are run by the same company.

Salvia monster - Another salvia affiliate that does not return emails. Even if they would have paid out which we can't be certain why would you deal with a company that you cannot ask questions or get help with their program.

Salvia dragon - The third on our list to not return emails or respond to affiliate questions. Site feels like it is not finished and the affiliate panel is a joke.

Arena Ethnobotanicals - Another scamming affiliate program, there password recovery doesn't even work and produces new passwords that are BS cause you can't log on with them. There live support is a fraud as well.

The best salvia affiliate program - We never contacted them but seeing legal buds ad's on their site when they are selling salvia just doesn't seem right and was enough to turn us off.

Other affiliates besides salvia ones to consider

Try this herbal product affiliate legal buds, they have a wide range of products besides salvia and pay a whopping 40 % commission.

If you are a webmaster and are looking for a great affiliate besides salvia, we suggest using affiliate future. They are the best affiliate company and they have many programs. We suggest signing up with them then choose the program which is a water pipe company they provides the best bongs and pipes on the internet and everyone who buys from them loves them for their great customer service and professionalism.

Affiliate Future link
READ MORE - Salvia affiliate programs that scam

What are your opinions on salvia

Our opinion? salvia is a great herb and lovely plant. We fully support salvia as incense preferable sitting next to it while the aroma fills the air. In all honesty this is like asking an opinion on a maple tree, It may sound funny but its true because salvia is a plant and yes some people smoke it but the majority use it for incense purposes or meditation or healing. At lest to our knowledge that's what the Mexicans used it for.

READ MORE - What are your opinions on salvia

Why you shouldnt smoke salvia

There can be many reason's why you should not take or smoke salvia because this is a powerful herb that truly alters your mind and body and can be very dangerous. All you have to do is watch some videos on salvia to understand the reason why. Although you should not smoke salvia, people do and in the end if you are going to do it, be safe and responsible and have some friends to help but again salvia should only be bought where legal for incense use only and that does not mean incense in your lungs.

READ MORE - Why you shouldnt smoke salvia